Scandal season 4, Episode 15: “We will provide you a extremely huge stack of money.”

It’s been two weeks since we had a plot-centric episode of Scandal, as well as honestly, I needed the break. I can only take so much Fitz-Olivia intrigue before I have to sit in silence with a diet plan Coke for a while to quell my irritation with Fitz’s entire existence, as well as it’s nice to go two weeks without the necessity of anti-murderous medytacja.

We jumped directly back in with the only plot that was advanced last week: senator Susan Ross, who Fitz was set to nominate to replace the vice president. keep in mind her being a little, shall we say, kooky? turns out she’s still kooky! except now she’s kooky in front of every single member of the national political media, as well as it’s difficult to look vice presidential at a podium in the increased garden as well as likewise snort when you laugh.

While all that was going on, the woman who came into Olivia’s office looking for “the black lady” a few weeks back resurfaced, still looking for her buddy as well as Liv’s neighbor. She snapped Liv out of her post-kidnapping routine, which seems to consist mainly of drinking directly from the bottle in her darkened apartment (but somehow does not include searching for an apartment with a doorman). The kidnappers utilized the neighbor’s body to obscure Liv while they got her out of the building as well as then carted it to environs unknown, as well as now Liv wishes to discover the body to provide her increased buddy some closure.

The episode likewise had a call-back to one more previous plot string that was left hanging: Huck’s ex-wife, who had come into possession of a lot of his B-613 data as well as went directly to David Rosen with them. (How one routines an office go to with the us district Attorney, I do not know.) She told him that her ex-husband Diego Muñoz had provided them to her, as well as eventually, Huck fessed as much as being Diego Muñoz. He stated he’d “take care of it.” Rosen appeared like he may wet his pants. (That’s always exactly how Rosen looks.) Jake appeared like he wished to take off his shirt. (That’s exactly how Jake always looks.)

Huck’s method of “taking care” of the circumstance thankfully didn’t include him marching directly over to kill his ex-wife. Instead, he had a stern talk with her that did not dissuade her in the least, which is far less efficient than Huck’s typical methods, even if it produces less of a mess to clean up.

A whole lot of machinations with the potential vice president as well as Red’s boyfriend went on, however since Darth Vader might be the new VP as well as I wouldn’t care, I mainly tuned out up until Liv was back onscreen, having a sit-down with her missing neighbor’s friend. As it turned out, they were a bit bit more than “friends;” they had satisfied as teens as well as lastly reunited as partners in their retirement. It was the very first storyline that made me have feelings on detraction in a long time; I wished to hug everybody as well as assist that woman get her woman back.

In less heartrending environs, Olivia marched into the Oval office with Red to tell Fitz that he was the reason Susan Ross wasn’t going to get confirmed. obviously the Senate hates him, which means that the Senate as well as I have at least one important thing in common. My rage was particularly strong after he got all up in Olivia’s personal area to tell her that she understood why he had totally wrecked the extremely idea of democracy as well as alienated the affections of the Senate. He’s going to be holding that over her head forever. “I don’t believe I want to order pizza tonight.” “O TAK? WELL I went to war FOR YOU as well as perhaps VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION SO WE’RE having PIZZA.”

Somehow, though, this episode of detraction handled to do what few have performed in the past: end on a cautiously positive note. Huck went in to affirm about B-613, as well as although he started out doing what Jake had advised him to do (deny everything, admit nothing, ruin the records), he couldn’t keep quiet. Instead, he got emotional speaking about the methods that he tried to preserve his mind while trapped in the hole that the spy company kept him in, as well as at the end, Rosen made that look like he was going to wet his pants again.

Rosen composed himself quickly, though, as well as he discovered that white hat that Olivia’s people talked about so much in the show’s very first season. instead of running as well as hiding, he would go after legal action against whoever or whatever pulls the strings at B-613; we may lastly figure out who produced Rowan as well as get some motion on a big narrative arc that had, up until last night, totally stalled. Powodzenie! little success, however I’ll take it.

Olivia’s progress, on the other hand, didn’t stall for almost as long. After finding her neighbor’s body as well as having it restored for a appropriate funeral with her partner, Olivia wUsunęła żałobę i najwyraźniej zdecydowała, że nadszedł czas, aby zażyła swoje życie jako najlepsze. Wciąż ciągnie z nią broń wokół swojego mieszkania, jednak na ostatnim to widzieliśmy, również miała kieliszek wina, a także miskę popcornu. Gdyby tylko to całe fiasko mogło zainspirować ją do przeprowadzki do budynku z nawet odrobiną bezpieczeństwa.

Chociaż ten odcinek nie był stodołem w metodzie, która czasami może być, pozostawiłem, że czuję, że odcinki sezonu byłyby bardzo warte obejrzenia. Wreszcie widzimy kilka wskazówek ruchów na działkach, które na zawsze ścigały ich ogony, a także kontakt z Fitz, był dość ograniczony. Moja jedyna prośba na następny tydzień? Więcej Mellie.

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